Summer brings bright colors and casual attire to the forefront. The cover ushers in summer sewing for water lovers with a cute dress by Debbie Glenn. She also has designed a cutaway top and bloomers for girls and a bib to fit a boy’s bubble using the same theme.
Sundresses are a hit this season, and this issue offers many styles and finishing options. Several are smocked, and others have machine embroidery. Rickrack trim is used in many of the patterns, and our designers provide clever ways of using it.
Summer is also wedding season, and every little girl and boy who are special guests will want a dressy outfit. Within these pages, you will find many outfits that will be perfect for special occasions.
Amelia Johanson, who is famous for her women’s garments, has designed a sensational linen blouse using tucks and lace. This will be a summer favorite along with the ladies’ kimono.
In addition to the great gifts to make, this magazine is filled with creative projects, new tips and techniques, and many downloads.
A beautiful quarterly magazine filled with beautiful images and inspiration.