Wedding Ring Collar - Video Lesson

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Beautiful heirloom garments are a gift to every future generation who wear them. We desire to help you learn how to create these special classics. The Wedding Ring Collar has delicate loops of shaped lace that perfectly frame your child’s face. Edged with entredeux and wide lace edging, the soft scallop edge of the collar is fit for formal occasions. We pair this collar with the Victoria dress and show you how to construct both the collar and the dress. You will also experience an advanced lesson in hand embroidery that will help you complete this and many future projects. Click here to shop the look of the sample pictured.

Pattern/sWedding Ring Collar, Victoria (both sold separately)
Run Time: 3 hours 26 minutes
Teacher: Susan Whitman & Merl Johnson
Difficulty Rating: 4 Thimbles - Expert

In this lesson you'll learn:

  • Lace shaping
  • Hemstitching by machine
  • Attaching extredeux to shaped lace and gathered lace to entredeux
  • Delicate cutting away of fabric behind lace
  • Preparing fabric for hand embroidery
  • Hand embroidery stitches such as: lazy daisy, French knot, bouillon rose, cast-on rose, granites
  • Attaching a collar to the Victoria dress
  • Redrafting Victoria for a higher waistline

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